Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) Online Services
The Land Registry
The Land Registry
Hong Kong
  Date: 27/07/2024  Time: 18:07

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  2. Online Help
  3. Contact Us

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the IRIS Online Services, you may contact our Help Desks for assistance.

  1. Search Services Help Desk
    • For enquiries on application for subscription and use of the IRIS Online Services
  2. Accounts Help Desk
    • For enquiries on account matters
  3. Technical Support Help Desk
    • For enquiries on computer technical matters

Service Hours of Help Desks

  1. Search Services Help Desk and Accounts Help Desk
  2. Monday to Friday 09:00 to 17:30
    Telephone No.: (852) 3105 0000 (press 2 > 1 for Search Services Help Desk or 2 > 2 for Accounts Help Desk after selecting language)

    Calls received before 09:00 and after 17:30 on Monday to Friday and calls received on Saturday, Sunday and public holidays are transferred to the 1823 Call Centre.

  3. Technical Support Help Desk
  4. Monday to Friday 08:30 to 18:30
    Saturday 08:30 to 14:00
    Telephone No.: (852) 3105 0000 (press 2 > 3 after selecting language)
    (No service on Sunday and public holiday)

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