Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) Online Services
The Land Registry
The Land Registry
Hong Kong
  Date: 27/07/2024  Time: 19:24

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  3. Service Fees

Service Fees

Service Fee (HK$)
Search Land Register - Current
(Containing current particulars of a property)
Search Land register - Full
(Containing historical and current particulars of a property)
Search Unposted Memorial List Free
Search Unposted Memorial Information $10
A copy of a memorial and document annexed thereto $100
A copy of a Government lease* $120
A copy of a memorial form $10
A copy of letter(s) of compliance attached to a Government lease* $10
A copy of plan(s) attached to a memorial or a Government lease* $15
A copy of a coloured plan $150
Certification of a document $150
*Including Block Government Lease, Conditions and New Grant

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