Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) Online Services
The Land Registry
The Land Registry
Hong Kong
  Date: 27/07/2024  Time: 17:46

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  3. Procedure for Enquiring Order Status

Procedure for Enquiring Order Status

  • Select "Enquire Order Status" from the function menu to enquire the status of your order.

  • Select "By Payment Transaction No." or "By Order No." and enter the required particulars. Then click "Enquire" to view the transaction/order details and the order status.

  • If your order is placed by one-time login with “iAM Smart”, you may also select "For ad hoc user (one-time login with “iAM Smart”)" to enquire transactions made within 3 calendar days.

  • You may also use the "Local Order List" function available in the mobile version to enquire details of the orders placed in the same browser of the same smartphone or mobile device within 62 calendar days.

  • For "By Download" or "View by Browser" order, you can download or view the related land register or Unposted Memorial Information again by clicking the relevant hyperlink in the "Delivery Method" column before closure of the online services at 03:30 next day or the related land document within 3 calendar days.

  • Details of "Completed" / "Collected" / "Cancelled" orders will be cleared after 62 calendar days, but you can still enquire details of all outstanding orders after the said period.

  • Order status includes "New" (when payment has been made successfully), "In Progress" (for "By Fax" order only), "Completed" (when the order has been successfully processed and completed), "Collected" (for "Counter Collection" order only) (when the ordered land record has been collected by the customer) and "Cancelled" (when the order has been marked "cancelled" by the system). If payment of an order has been refunded or adjusted, a "Refunded" or "Adjusted" remark will be shown in the "Order Status" column.

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