Integrated Registration Information System (IRIS) Online Services
The Land Registry
The Land Registry
Hong Kong
  Date: 27/07/2024  Time: 13:47

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  2. Online Help
  3. Service Hours and Services Available

Service Hours and Services Available

Service Hours

For Enquiry of Order Status / Status of Lodged Document and Search of Property Reference Number:

Every day from 07:30 hour to 03:30 hour next day

For Search of Land Register and Unposted Memorial List/Information and Ordering of Land Document:

Every day from 07:30 hour to 02:30 hour next day

Services Available

You can obtain a plain or certified copy of the land register by any one of the following options:

  • Street Name
  • Development Name
  • Lot Details
  • Property Reference Number
  • Map

Two types of land register are available:

  • A current land register provides the current information of the property including documents pending registration.
  • A full land register provides the historical and current information of the property including documents pending registration.

The Unposted Memorial List (UML) contains documents which were lodged for registration but, for one reason or another, have not yet been posted to the relevant land registers with brief particulars of the documents (such as Memorial No., Lot No., address, nature of instrument and date of delivery for registration). You can select to search an unposted memorial in the UML to obtain additional information (such as date of instrument, consideration, share of the lot, etc.).

You can obtain a plain or certified copy of a land document (Memorial, Conditions, New Grant, Government Lease or Block Government Lease).

You can make online enquiry on the order status by payment transaction number or order number.

You can make online enquiry on the status of documents lodged for registration by Memorial No.

You can obtain the Property Reference Number of a property by any one of the following options:

  • Street Name
  • Development Name
  • Lot Details
  • Map

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